Monday, September 11, 2006


Keep the Change

My brother had a birthday a couple months ago. He spent some of the money he got on Relient K's Mmhmm. Being the good brother he is, he let me borrow it for a while. One of the songs could have been written about me - "More Than Useless." The chorus goes
And sometimes I think that I'm not any good at all
And sometimes I wonder why, why I'm even here at all
But then you assure me
I'm a little more than useless
And when I think that I can't do this
You promise me that I'll get through this
And do something right
Do something right for once
Sometimes, God gives us something that's more than we think we can handle, something that makes us change. Change is good, so make sure you keep it. I'm going to.

Stand fast, bro. it takes a man to realize he is wrong and then to change it on his own.

keep it up robbie, you will make it.
im still praying for you brother. Good reminder, i feel that way a lot!! God's forgiveness is amazing huh?
Christopher - i have a package of random stuff i need to send you from Sam :)

Robbie- a crossroad comes to mind. which way will i go? i may have to change direction in order to get to my destination. perhaps i am lost and need instruction, or perhaps i realize the "shortcut" i took wasn't such a good idea after all and i need to return to the original plan that was mapped out. Destination: heaven.
Just thought i would leave you another message since we haven't really talked in a while.

My sister said that she saw you the other day at the game in your ANDY F. outfit :) :)

Hope Monday went well and everything else is on track and I WILL talk to you sometime soon.
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