Thursday, March 02, 2006


Just Out of Reach.....

Have you ever had high hopes, only to realize that you cannot ever reach them, that they're just out of reach? My hopes had been centered around a possibility that turned into an improbability and now an impossibility. I hate it when reality kicks in, hits you on the head with a large blunt object, and then says, "Get over it." Sigh.....a boy can dream can't he?

It's so hard because dreams and reality don't always coincide. I personally always set myself up for things to go either way and it softens the blow. On the other hand . . . :)

How much longer until the play???
I think it happens to everyone. i'm sorry. If I can help let me know. My dream that I will never reach is getting an A in physics. HA!
I'm curious, Prize Fighter.....who are you?
Robbie i now exactly what you mean! It is the story of my life of dreaming and yet failing miserably..... like that stupid physics test, Ballet, and....well...never mind.

see Christopher's post
been there homie F
high hopes, thats a pink floyd song....
hey... don't worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself. :)


p.s. thanks for adding me as a link, it makes me feel as if i'm part of society after all.
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