Friday, December 09, 2005


3rd Snow Day in the History of Faith Christian School

The best thing about snow is, of course, snow days. Lately, many discouraging words were being spread around the school. Many students doubted that the hard working high schoolers of Faith Christian would ever get a "break" from school with a snow day. I distinctly remember someone (who will remain nameless) saying, "Someone would have to die in a freak ice/snow related car accident on their way to school in order for us to get a snow day." News flash: Last night, I watched the Polar Express, and before we turned off the TV, we checked the local channels. Sure enough, it said "Faith Christian School- 2-hour delay." I went to bed a happy man. I woke up happier at 10:00 because there was no school. The first present of Christmas has been given (if you haven't seen the Polar Express, that was a sappy reference to a line from the movie.)

P.S. I'll admit. I was the one who doubted that we'd ever get a snow day. I'm sorry. To make it up, click on this link and then click on the video link. The maker of this video has way to much time on his hands.

that video - somone needs to check into rehab.
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