Saturday, January 14, 2006


Quiz of Doom

This is just a little quiz/survey to find out whether or not you will succeed in life. There are 10 questions with two possible answers. Good luck!

Do you prefer...

1. a) Star Wars b) Star Trek

2. a) Colts b) Bears

3. a) Hamburgers b) Pizza

4. a) Kleenex b) Puffs

5. a) Movies b) Reading

6. a) Cubs b) White Sox

7. a) Bacon b) Sausage

8. a) Soccer b) Basketball

9. a) Manning b) Brady

10. a) Stabbing your own eye b) Adv. Physics

Time's up!

Count up how many of your answers were "a" and use the following scale.

1-4 You should question whether or not you're human.
5-7 Better, but you still have much to work for.
8-9 You've nearly reached perfection.
10 Congratulations! You'll do great because you're just like me.

P.S. If anyone picked Tom Brady over Peyton Manning, I no longer know you.

i got an 8.
i picked the CHW over the CHC
um did you see how payton played today?
Did you see the way Brady played? It was worse.
only 5, *sigh*
I chose b for everyone except 7 and 10. Who likes sausage more than bacon?!? c'mon!
i like pork chops....

btw, blinky, the word verification is really annoying.
Mr. H-less, i wouldn't challenge the bacon! And robbie, I must say i'd rather stab my own eye that go to advanced physics! Too late though, I'm stuck!
I know how you feel
hi robbie, i am trying to figure out how this whole thing works. So different from my xanga. i got an 8. i HATE advanced physics. but I did awesome on that last test. I think I might have a D now!!:)
I got a 3; but I know I'm human.
i got a 7.... i've never experienced the pain of advanced physics sooooo i'd just rather not stab my own eye just yet
why is everything always of doom? oh i got a 7, i haven't had physics and do you really like hamburgers better than pizza? sheesh and i thought i could marry you...
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